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Cyfnodolyn SSCE Cymru

Mae cyfnodolyn SSCE Cymru yn rhoi trosolwg o'r gweithgareddau a'r digwyddiadau y mae aelodau tîm SSCE Cymru wedi bod yn rhan ohonynt.


Willowtown Community Primary School host a Never Such Innocence Poetry Workshop

Chwefror 2025

Clive Sanders, a poet in residence with the charity Never Such Innocence met the SSCE Cymru, Participation Lead Officer, Jo at Willowtown Community Primary School on Monday 17th February to lead a series of poetry workshops for the year 5 and 6 Service children alongside their peers. This event was kindly funded by the Naval Children's Charity, aimed to highlight and further promote the strong community connections the school already shares with the Armed Forces.


Baglan Primary School - SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room Grand Opening

Ionawr 2025

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15th January, Baglan Primary School, Neath Port Talbot, held the grand opening ceremony for their SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room. The tape was cut and the room officially opened by the Lord-Lieutenant (although the members of the Little Troopers Club had of course had an earlier sneaky peak).


Margam Park Christmas Tree Exhibition - Neath Port Talbort Service children tree

Rhagfyr 2024

Baglan Education and Training Centre dedicated a christmas tree at Margam Park Christmas Tree Exhibition to the Service children in Neath Port Talbort. Service children across the LA were invited to create decorations for the tree.


Service children pupil voice - working together to improve our resources

Rhagfyr 2024

The SSCE Cymru team is currently updating our free resources, including the school tools,  which are available on our website. In an effort to ensure we get things right, we have reached out to experts for their help and guidance.


Service Children - Your Views Project at Ysgol Y Ddraig

Tachwedd 2024

Our Participation Lead Officer, Jo was kindly invited to the launch of the Service children – Your Views Project, that the Learning Links Team from the Vale of Glamorgan local authority has been working on with the Little Troopers Club at Ysgol Y Ddraig. 


SCiP Alliance Annual Conference 2024: Inspiring Impact

Tachwedd 2024

The SCiP Alliance annual conference 2024: Inspiring Impact was hosted in Wales, which is the first time that it has been held outside England. The event brought together 100 delegates, many of whom were first-time attendees, including teaching staff from some of the schools that have achieved their Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru status. It was wonderful to see so many of you there. The day focussed on the SCiP Alliance's vision to inspire impactful work that supports thriving lives for Service children.


Rememberance at Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog

Tachwedd 2024

At Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog in Denbighshire the school had a visit from a local soldier who has spent 30 years working for the army. He shared information about his work, his medals and the importance of remembering. 
All classes learnt more about Remembrance Day and decorated the cabin outdoors with all of their work so members of the community and families could see what had been done. 
Older learners also took part in the live assembly on Remembrance where they listened to stories and found out more about who we remember and why. 
The whole school fell silent at 11am for a 2 minutes silence. 
Head pupils laid a wreath at the Service of Remembrance on behalf of our whole school community. 


Golden Grove School - We will remember them

Tachwedd 2024

Pupils from Golden Grove School in Pembroke laid a wreath and joined others at the war memorial in remembering the fallen.  
At the going down of the sun 
And in the morning, 
We will remember them. 


Marking Remembrance at Llanfair Primary School

Tachwedd 2024

Llanfair Primary Schools in the Vale of Glanmorgan marked Remembrance day with a whole school assembly and a Service for their Service children.


Prestatyn High School Forces Life Club Remember

Tachwedd 2024

At Prestatyn High School the Forces Life Club gathered to make poppies, reflect and share their personal experiences of being a Service child whilst remembering the fallen.


Rememberance at Pontarddulais Primary School

Tachwedd 2024

At Pontarddulais Primary School in Swansea students took part in a range of activities to commemorate Remembrance Day. Poetry and art activities included reading the poem Flanders Field, identifying powerful vocabulary used by the author and creating their own art work based on the poem as well as work on their ‘Garden of Remembrance’ and handmade metal poppies. Students also visited the War Memorial to pay their respects, observe the messages left, participate in the two minute silence and place their own flowers as a tribute to say thank you.  


Milford Haven School Remembrance events

Tachwedd 2024

At Milford Haven School the Humanities ambassadors worked hard to raise awareness and sell poppies during the week. Remembrance Assemblies took place in which all pupils from all years listened as we gave thanks to our fallen. Head Prefects and other members of the school community laid a wreath and joined the rest of the town in remembering those who gave their tomorrow for our today at Milford Haven Town Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph.


Haverfordwest High attend Remembrance service

Tachwedd 2024

Haverfordwest high were represented by their superb Senior Prefect Team at the Remembrance Service in Haverfordwest. Head Boy Harry and Head Girl Lily read beautifully.  


Young Wales 'BIG Conversation' 2024

Hydref 2024

Children and young people across Wales aged 11-25 are being called upon to take part in the new Young Wales initiative called "The BIG conversation" and a group of Service children/young people from Haverfordwest High VC School were invited to add their voices to the conversation. The group met with some members from the Children in Wales and SSCE Cymru teams to discuss what mattered to them.  

Thank you to the amazing young people for participating, the brilliant staff at HHVCS for organising and hosting us and the Children in Wales team for including a group of Service children/young people living in Wales to be part of the converstaion. It certainly allowed them the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences on issues that effect their lives. We had a wonderful morning. 


Team Teulu and Ysgol Gynradd Baglan Primary School host a local Forces Festival

Gorffennaf 2024

Team Teulu with support from the staff, pupils and members of the Little Troopers Club at Ysgol Gynradd Baglan Primary School, welcomed Service children/young people from other local schools to their Forces Festival. 


SSCE Cymru and Brecon High School visit the Haverfordwest High VC School

Gorffennaf 2024

Jo (SSCE Cymru Participation Lead Officer) and Mrs Leah Burnett (Brecon High School’s Family Forces Officer) were pleased to be invited to visit members of Haverfordwest High School’s Forces Life Club on their Summer camp.


Wales Airshow featuring Armed Forces Day 2024

Gorffennaf 2024

The SSCE Cymru team had a great time at the Wales Airshow in Swansea on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July in Swansea. Saturday morning also featured Armed Forces Day 2024!!!


Brecon Military Show 2024

Mai 2024

The annual Brecon Military Show is always a calander highlight. Hosted by the Infantry Battle School, in Dering Lines, Brecon. It is an opportunity for civilian and military families within the local community to come together to share in a day of fun filled activities.


More filming days with CLECS Media

Mai 2024

Towards the end of May, the SSCE Cymru team were visiting some of our Armed Forces Friendly schools across East, West and South Wales to complete our filming days with CLECS Media. 


Capturing good practice films at Ysgol Glan Clwyd and Ysgol Pen y Bryn (North Wales)

Ebrill 2024

Millie, Programme Manager, and Cara, School Liaison Officer, have had a fantastic few days up in North Wales visiting Ysgol Glan Clwyd (Denbighshire) and Ysgol Pen y Bryn (Conwy) with filming company Clecs Media, to capture some new good practice and Service children story films.

Dyfyniadau Plant Milwyr

"Gynted ag ydych yn dod i arfer i dŷ, rydych yn cael eich symud – rwyf wedi bod mewn pedair ysgol ac wedi symud chwech gwaith."


"Roeddwn i’n byw yn Nepal, yna aethom i Brunei, yna Malaysia."


"Drwy fy llygaid i mae gennych gannoedd o ffrindiau mewn llefydd gwahanol."


"Dwi di arfer symud rŵan a chymysgu gyda’r plant... Dwi di neud o gymaint o weithiau mae’n rhywbeth arferol rŵan."


"Mae’n iawn siarad dros skype a phethau felly ond weithiau ti jyst eisiau cwtsh pan mae Dad i ffwrdd."


"Dwi di mwynhau mynd o amgylch llawer o lefydd o amgylch y byd, mae’n anturus ac yn gyffrous."


"Mae bod yn rhan o’r fyddin fel bod yn rhan o deulu."


"Mae mam wedi prynu bwrdd sialc ac mae’n dweud sawl noson o gwsg arno, pob munud mae’n dod yn agosach iddo ddod adref."


"Dwi ddim eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad... Dwi eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad ond dwi ddim eisiau gadael."


"Efallai y bydda i’n mynd i ysgol breswyl fel nad wyf yn newid ysgol bob yn ail flwyddyn."


"Dwi di bod mewn saith ysgol wahanol; dwi heb aros mewn un ysgol ddigon hir."


"Mae wedi bod i ffwrdd am chwe mis ac yna mae yn ôl am bythefnos, yna mae’n mynd i ffwrdd eto."


"Roedd fy rhieni yn y Fyddin. Roedd mam yn nyrs ac aeth dad i Afghanistan. 'Do ni’m yn deall yn iawn be' oedd o’n neud a deud y gwir ond ar ôl i mi ffeindio allan o ni’n meddwl "diolch byth bod o wedi dod adre’n saff.'"


"Mi wnaeth o lofnodi i adael yr wythnos ddiwetha’, felly mi fydd o wedi gadael erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn yma. Mae o wedi bod i mewn ers 24 o flynyddoedd. Fydd o’n well i mi achos mi fydd o o gwmpas lot mwy. Mae o’n hoffi’n gwylio ni’n chwarae rygbi felly mi fydd o’n gallu dod i’n gweld ni’n fwy aml"


"Dwi’n mynd i rywle hollol newydd. Dydyn nhw’m yn gwybod dim amdana’i felly mae’n ddechrau newydd ac yn beth da iawn i mi."


"Nes i symud i Gymru achos bod dad wedi cael ei anfon yma gan y Fyddin. O ni’n meddwl y baswn yn cael fy mwlio a dwi’n swil efo pobol newydd ond mi nes i ychydig o ffrindiau."
