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Cyfnodolyn SSCE Cymru

Baglan Primary School - SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room Grand Opening

Baglan Primary School - SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room Grand Opening

Ionawr 2025

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15th January, Baglan Primary School, Neath Port Talbot, held the grand opening ceremony for their SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room. The tape was cut and the room officially opened by the Lord-Lieutenant (although the members of the Little Troopers Club had of course had an earlier sneaky peak).

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15th January, Baglan Primary School, Neath Port Talbot, held the grand opening ceremony for their SSCE Cymru/Little Troopers Club Community Room. The tape was cut and the room officially opened by the Lord-Lieutenant (although the Service children had of course had an earlier sneaky peak).

This was a lovely opportunity to visit the school to see how they had used the Supporting Service Children in Education in Wales Fund (SSCE-WF) to create a dedicated space for their Service children and see what else they had been up to in their Little Troopers Club.

Eve, Baglan’s Service Children School Champion shared;

“We are proud that we have been able to provide a dedicated and safe space for the Service children and their families in our school. As always, we appreciate the support you have given us on our journey to become an Armed Forces Friendly School. We look forward to working with you again in the future. We have lots of exciting activities planned for our Service children this year.”

Well done and thank you to Eve and the whole team at Baglan Primary School, who continue to show outstanding support.

SSCE Cymru enjoy collaborating with schools and our network to support Service children in education in Wales. One of the members of our wonderful support network is the charity Little Troopers, who have produced a collection of Little Troopers at school resources that offer ideas on various sessions and guidance on 'how to' set up a club in your educational setting. Should your school want to establish a club and would like further information on how to apply for funding to support a project like this, then please come along to an online drop-in for an informal discussion about your next steps.  





Dyfyniadau Plant Milwyr

"Gynted ag ydych yn dod i arfer i dŷ, rydych yn cael eich symud – rwyf wedi bod mewn pedair ysgol ac wedi symud chwech gwaith."


"Roeddwn i’n byw yn Nepal, yna aethom i Brunei, yna Malaysia."


"Drwy fy llygaid i mae gennych gannoedd o ffrindiau mewn llefydd gwahanol."


"Dwi di arfer symud rŵan a chymysgu gyda’r plant... Dwi di neud o gymaint o weithiau mae’n rhywbeth arferol rŵan."


"Mae’n iawn siarad dros skype a phethau felly ond weithiau ti jyst eisiau cwtsh pan mae Dad i ffwrdd."


"Dwi di mwynhau mynd o amgylch llawer o lefydd o amgylch y byd, mae’n anturus ac yn gyffrous."


"Mae bod yn rhan o’r fyddin fel bod yn rhan o deulu."


"Mae mam wedi prynu bwrdd sialc ac mae’n dweud sawl noson o gwsg arno, pob munud mae’n dod yn agosach iddo ddod adref."


"Dwi ddim eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad... Dwi eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad ond dwi ddim eisiau gadael."


"Efallai y bydda i’n mynd i ysgol breswyl fel nad wyf yn newid ysgol bob yn ail flwyddyn."


"Dwi di bod mewn saith ysgol wahanol; dwi heb aros mewn un ysgol ddigon hir."


"Mae wedi bod i ffwrdd am chwe mis ac yna mae yn ôl am bythefnos, yna mae’n mynd i ffwrdd eto."


"Roedd fy rhieni yn y Fyddin. Roedd mam yn nyrs ac aeth dad i Afghanistan. 'Do ni’m yn deall yn iawn be' oedd o’n neud a deud y gwir ond ar ôl i mi ffeindio allan o ni’n meddwl "diolch byth bod o wedi dod adre’n saff.'"


"Mi wnaeth o lofnodi i adael yr wythnos ddiwetha’, felly mi fydd o wedi gadael erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn yma. Mae o wedi bod i mewn ers 24 o flynyddoedd. Fydd o’n well i mi achos mi fydd o o gwmpas lot mwy. Mae o’n hoffi’n gwylio ni’n chwarae rygbi felly mi fydd o’n gallu dod i’n gweld ni’n fwy aml"


"Dwi’n mynd i rywle hollol newydd. Dydyn nhw’m yn gwybod dim amdana’i felly mae’n ddechrau newydd ac yn beth da iawn i mi."


"Nes i symud i Gymru achos bod dad wedi cael ei anfon yma gan y Fyddin. O ni’n meddwl y baswn yn cael fy mwlio a dwi’n swil efo pobol newydd ond mi nes i ychydig o ffrindiau."
