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Am SSCE Cymru

Seren of the Month

The SSCE Cymru ‘Seren of the month’ award is an opportunity for our team to publicly recognise an SSCE Cymru STAR, and say thank you to a Service child, member of school staff, work colleague, network member or organisation that have positively collaborated with us or shown exceptional support to Service children in education and their local Armed Forces community. We are grateful to work with some truly inspiring individuals and groups who ensure that Service children continue to feel valued and celebrated here in Wales.

Seren of the Month


Seren of the month – Mawrth 2024

Seren of the month – Mawrth 2024

Y mis hwn, rydyn ni'n diolch yn fawr iawn i bedwar Seren y mis!!!

Mae Swyddogion Cyswllt Ysgolion Rhanbarthol SSCE Cymru (RSLOs) wedi bod yn allweddol yn natblygiad rhaglen SSCE Cymru dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae profiadau personol a phroffesiynol wedi dod a chyfoeth o wybodaeth i'r rhaglen, sydd wedi ein galluogi i gynyddu ein pecyn cymorth a'n hadnoddau. Mae hyn yn golygu bod gan leoliadau addysg yng Nghymru bellach ddealltwriaeth llawer cryfach o brofiadau plant y Lluoedd Arfog a'u bod yn barod iawn i gefnogi'r grwp unigryw hwn o ddysgwyr.

Mae pob un ohonoch wedi bod yn bleser gweithio gyda. Rydych yn hynod o weithgar, ymroddgar, brwdfrydig ac mae pob un ohonoch wedi bod yn eiriolwyr cryf dros blant milwyr yng Nghymru.

Diolch yn fawr, diolch yn fawr - pob lwc gyda'ch camau nesaf - byddwn yn colli chi gymaint!


Seren of the month – February 2024

Aysha Waghorn

Mount Street Junior Schools

As Deputy Headteacher and ALNCo at Mount Street Junior School, Brecon is a wonderfully knowledgeable and professional member of staff. Mount Street Junior School was the first school in Wales to be awarded our Armed Forces Friendly School (AFFS) Cymru Bronze status in recognition for their work with Service children and the wider Armed Forces community in this area. Having worked in this community for many years, Mrs Waghorn has personally welcomed and assisted many Armed Forces families by helping them to integrate seamlessly into their new environment, often being the friendly 'go to' person at the school, she will always help if she can. And although this is a whole school approach with Mr Hopkins, as Headteacher and all the staff and pupils at this school doing an excellent job of welcoming new Armed Forces families, it’s Mrs Waghorn who has engaged with us on numerous occasions. She has demonstrated how the school ensures that they remain inclusive by continuing to show an appreciation and understanding of the challenges faced by Service children, recognising how difficult it can be for these children to move on. Mrs Waghorn is always there to help those who need extra support to manage new situations better.

Thank you, Mrs Waghorn, for all your efforts, it is much appreciated!


Seren of the month – December 2023

Reg White

Haverfordwest High VC School

It has been a pleasure working with Reg at Haverfordwest High VC School. As a veteran, Reg has firsthand experience of the Armed Forces lifestyle and as a result, he understands the importance of setting up a Forces Life Club at the school with his colleague Emma Richards. This has given the Service children at the school and within the cluster an opportunity to come together regularly, share their individual experiences and have fun. Reg has worked hard with his team, and this has shown in the achievement of the Gold Armed Forces Friendly School Cymru status. Reg is now using his knowledge of the SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit and is sharing this to help other schools within West Wales.

Diolch Reg and the Haverfordwest High VC School Team! Please keep up the good work.


Seren of the month – November 2023

Rhia and Sean Molino

The Veterans Awards and Forces Fitness

The SSCE Cymru team have had the pleasure of working with Rhia, Sean and the teams from Forces Fitness and the Veterans awards over the past few years and we value all the enthusiasm and dedication that you have demonstrated towards supporting SSCE Cymru and the Service children in Wales. All the Forces Fitness team are fantastic, and we love how the programmes they offer link so well to encouraging schools across Wales to deliver the SSCE Cymru mission. We are particularly grateful for all their hard work in the setting up and running the Service children’s awards 2023. We are super excited and proud to be the first nation in the UK run this event.

Thank you very much for all your efforts, we truly appreciate it.


Seren of the month – October 2023

Sarah Hayward

Learning Support Assistant, Ysgol Pen y Bryn

It has been a pleasure working with Sarah at Ysgol Pen y Bryn. As a mother of three and a spouse to a serving member of the Armed Forces, Sarah has firsthand experience of this lifestyle and as a result, understood the importance of setting up a Little Troopers Club at the school. This has given the Service children at the school an opportunity to come together regularly, share their individual experiences and have fun. Diolch Sarah and the Ysgol Pen y Bryn Team! Please do keep up the good work.


Seren of the month – September 2023

Kayley Phillips

Deputy Headteacher, Cwmclydach Primary School

It has been a pleasure to work alongside Deputy Headteacher Kayley Phillips in supporting Cwmclydach Primary Schools’ Service children. Kayley has been so proactive for her Service children in the school, and even though there is only a small number of Service children, Kayley ensures that they receive the best education possible and that their voices are heard. An amazing example of this is Cwmclydach Primary holding a day to celebrate Armed Forces Day in June this year, where the whole school were involved in fun activities and recognising the experiences of their Service children.

Dyfyniadau Plant Milwyr

"Gynted ag ydych yn dod i arfer i dŷ, rydych yn cael eich symud – rwyf wedi bod mewn pedair ysgol ac wedi symud chwech gwaith."


"Roeddwn i’n byw yn Nepal, yna aethom i Brunei, yna Malaysia."


"Drwy fy llygaid i mae gennych gannoedd o ffrindiau mewn llefydd gwahanol."


"Dwi di arfer symud rŵan a chymysgu gyda’r plant... Dwi di neud o gymaint o weithiau mae’n rhywbeth arferol rŵan."


"Mae’n iawn siarad dros skype a phethau felly ond weithiau ti jyst eisiau cwtsh pan mae Dad i ffwrdd."


"Dwi di mwynhau mynd o amgylch llawer o lefydd o amgylch y byd, mae’n anturus ac yn gyffrous."


"Mae bod yn rhan o’r fyddin fel bod yn rhan o deulu."


"Mae mam wedi prynu bwrdd sialc ac mae’n dweud sawl noson o gwsg arno, pob munud mae’n dod yn agosach iddo ddod adref."


"Dwi ddim eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad... Dwi eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad ond dwi ddim eisiau gadael."


"Efallai y bydda i’n mynd i ysgol breswyl fel nad wyf yn newid ysgol bob yn ail flwyddyn."


"Dwi di bod mewn saith ysgol wahanol; dwi heb aros mewn un ysgol ddigon hir."


"Mae wedi bod i ffwrdd am chwe mis ac yna mae yn ôl am bythefnos, yna mae’n mynd i ffwrdd eto."


"Roedd fy rhieni yn y Fyddin. Roedd mam yn nyrs ac aeth dad i Afghanistan. 'Do ni’m yn deall yn iawn be' oedd o’n neud a deud y gwir ond ar ôl i mi ffeindio allan o ni’n meddwl "diolch byth bod o wedi dod adre’n saff.'"


"Mi wnaeth o lofnodi i adael yr wythnos ddiwetha’, felly mi fydd o wedi gadael erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn yma. Mae o wedi bod i mewn ers 24 o flynyddoedd. Fydd o’n well i mi achos mi fydd o o gwmpas lot mwy. Mae o’n hoffi’n gwylio ni’n chwarae rygbi felly mi fydd o’n gallu dod i’n gweld ni’n fwy aml"


"Dwi’n mynd i rywle hollol newydd. Dydyn nhw’m yn gwybod dim amdana’i felly mae’n ddechrau newydd ac yn beth da iawn i mi."


"Nes i symud i Gymru achos bod dad wedi cael ei anfon yma gan y Fyddin. O ni’n meddwl y baswn yn cael fy mwlio a dwi’n swil efo pobol newydd ond mi nes i ychydig o ffrindiau."
