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Resources School Toolkit and Tools

School Toolkit

The purpose of the SSCE Cymru School Toolkit is to provide schools, local authorities and education professionals with information on the experiences of Service children, and help them to understand the support that is available to assist them with supporting Service children in the best possible way.

The Toolkit was produced with the support of the SSCE Cymru network, who provided and checked the content to ensure the most relevant and accurate information is provided.

The SSCE Cymru School Toolkit includes the following sections:

  • Armed Forces in Wales
  • Service children’s experiences
  • Education in Wales
  • Service children data and school admissions
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Youth provision
  • Funding
  • Research.

Each section of the SSCE Cymru School Toolkit also provides information on various support organisations and relevant links to resources, along with a list of suggested actions/activities for the school.

Download the School Toolkit here

Any queries or feedback regarding the content of the Toolkit should be directed to

Launched: March 2020

SSCE Cymru Tools

The SSCE Cymru Tools have been produced in conjunction with the SSCE Cymru Toolkit. These are resources that can be downloaded, adapted and used by schools, parents/carers or Service children. These tools can be used to help overcome some of the challenges that have been identified through stakeholder engagement and research carried out by SSCE Cymru.


Tools for schools

1. Checklist: School actions and activities
2. Template: School website – AF Covenant commitments
3. Template: School website – Service children information
4. Templates: Data collection
5. Template: School welcome pack
6. Checklist: Transition in and out of school
7. Example questions: To ask a new Service child
8. Presentation: Armed Forces and experiences of Service children
9. Poster: Armed Forces community in the school

10. Template: Promoting extra-curricular activities
11. Guidance: Service children pupil voice
12. Template: Parent/carer questionnaire
13. Guidance: Recommended resources


Tools for schools and parents

14. Template: Moving school booklet (for Service children)
15. Template: Service children school transfer information


Do you have an idea or request for a tool that would help your school in supporting Service children? Or feedback regarding the content of the SSCE Cymru Tools? Please contact 

SSCE Cymru school survey (2019).

Resources they would find beneficial in helping them to support their Service children: 58% said Toolkits/information packs, 58% said Funding guidance, 54% said Mental Health and Wellbeing support for Service children information, 51% said School checklist (suggesting activities), 50% said Good practice guide, 45% said PowerPoint Presentation for school staff and pupils – on the Armed Forces and Service children experiences.

Service children’s quotes

"As soon as we get used to a house, you get moved - I’ve been to four schools and moved six times."


"I lived in Nepal, then we went to Brunei, then Malaysia."
