How do Service children ambassadors support SSCE Cymru?
There are many ways that Service children can support SSCE Cymru activities, depending on the child/young person’s age and interests. Possible activities include:
Participating in activities with members of the SSCE Cymru Network, such as:
- Month of the Military Child
- Armed Forces Day
- Little Troopers podcast.
Participating in the production of SSCE Cymru resources, such as:
- Films about Service children’s experiences
- Good practice case studies and films
- Resources for Service children.
Supporting the delivery of SSCE Cymru events, such as:
- Service children funding webinars
- SSCE Cymru Network webinars.
Representing Service children at relevant events/meetings, such as:
- SCiP Alliance Hub Cymru events
- MOD Local Authority Partnership (LAP) meetings
- Local authority action plan meetings
- SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Conferences.
The Participation Lead Officer (PLO) will work with any ambassadors who support SSCE Cymru activities, to ensure they feel happy, safe, confident and well-prepared.
What do Service children ambassadors do in the local community?
Service children junior ambassadors
- Share their experiences of being a Service child
- Participate in activities to celebrate being a Service child.
Service children senior ambassadors
- Lead or organise activities to celebrate Service children
- Represent Service children in their school and linked feeder schools.
Service children lead ambassadors
- Participate in a nationwide Service children's ambassador group
- Represent Service children ambassadors
- Support the development of the Service children ambassadors scheme.